Monday, July 28, 2014

Exploring the hip-leg connection for the 2-beat kick

This video has 3 exercises:
(1) holding a stick with both hands, the student focuses on her "legs and hips" connection;
(2) holding a stick, adding hand switches, thinking "reach left hand to the pocket while right hand pushes the stick" (and reverse);
(3) same as above, without the stick.

When the student is holding the stick, she has these ideas reinforced:
wide tracks, a deep target below her head level, a delayed hand pull.

Here's a possible problem with using the stick: The student may tend to look at the stick which results in a lifted chin and a tense neck.

This student's goal is to move very slowly with the stick, allowing more time to inspect her own relaxed neck, good head alignment, and weight shifts from right-edge to left-edge. If the stick is getting in the way of these details, it's time to get rid of the stick!